The DVD master is going to the pressing plant and the case insert is on its way to the printer. Having 4 blurbs from 4 highly regarded associates is a great addition to the factual info printed on the case:
“The film is excellent ...truly wonderful! (Jim Rimmer is)
wonderfully charming and such an amount of detail to observe.”
- The Brothers Quay, filmmakers
“I’m not sure what impresses me more, Rimmer’s love and
devotion to his work, which is so beautifully portrayed
in this movie, or the fact that a fellow designer
took it upon himself to document it.”
- Rudy VanderLans, Emigre
“I think it’s a terrific piece of work.
For those of us who knew Jim, it’s a powerful
reminder of what we’ve lost. For all those who didn’t,
I think it’s a fine, true glimpse of what they missed.”
- Robert Bringhurst
"A pure process film on the true hands-on method of creating typefaces, as demonstrated by one of its last practitioners. 'Making Faces' is an important resource for typography students and experts alike."
- Gary Hustwit, filmmaker
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Print DVD Covers
Fantastic dvd for anyone